On September 3rd of 2015, my life changed in a way that I never thought was possible. At 10:15 in the morning I gave birth to my very first child: a little girl named Vivilyn. Coming home from the hospital I was tired and overwhelmed. I really wanted my daughter sleeping in her crib before I had to go back to work. I worked hard at getting her in a routine and sleeping on her own, and eventually the hard work paid off. Around two months of age my sweet little bundle was sleeping in her crib like a big girl. While we were both now getting more sleep, I was now introduced to a new set of worries.
Every night after I laid her down in her crib I would constantly go back to check on her. I would creep in her room and peek over the edge of her crib, even place a hand on her chest to see if she was breathing. If I was not sneaking a peek at her, I was studying the video monitor, looking for the rise and fall of her chest or the slightest bit of movement. I even woke her up a few times from going in to check on her! I was full of new mommy worry and I was a mess! But, just a few weeks ago, all of that changed when I was introduced to the Owlet Care Monitor.
The first night that we used the Owlet Care Monitor I was a bit skeptical. I was not really sure how it would work but I was very interested and ready to give it a try. After installing the app, watching all of the help videos and reading the guide, cover-to-cover, I was ready to lay Vivi down for the night. We started with the size 1 sock since she was too big for the newborn sock. It fit her securely and it did not seem to bother her. I rocked her to sleep, turned on the monitor and left the room to check the app on my phone. Since she was asleep and still, I was able to get an accurate reading and saw that her stats were not only normal, but I could see exactly what they were.
I was amazed. For the first time since having my daughter I was actually able to breathe a sigh of relief. Every night it is the same thing. I am able to easily check on my daughter, without disturbing her, and get a clear picture on her heart rate and oxygen levels. A few nights after I first started using the monitor I was actually woken in the middle of the night with my first alert. Vivi’s heart rate had dropped and the Owlet monitor alerted me to this potential problem. I rushed into her room, where she was sleeping soundly, but I still nursed her for fear that her blood sugar was causing the abnormality. As I nursed my sleeping angel that night I realized just how thankful I was for that tiny little sock. I am so grateful the monitor did alert me to the problem, allowing me to get to her quickly and assess the situation. I knew from that moment on that I would make sure that Vivi wore her Owlet Care Monitor every night.
While my new mom worry is still very present in my life, I am able to get quite a bit of relief as I strap on that little sock to her foot every night. The Owlet Care Monitor has truly changed my life as a mother. I find myself worrying less and that definitely helps me to breathe easy. If I do get worried, I simply pull up the app on my phone and check her stats. I will recommend this product to all moms whether they are a friend or a stranger, first time mom or a mom of multiple children. I cannot even begin to express just how valuable this little monitor is to my family.
Everyone in our family loves this little sock, even Vivilyn!!
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Mrs. Fowler

Loved reading your post—thank you for sharing your review and experience with Owlet.