Being stuck at home might seem miserable but it also might be the motivation you need to have your home looking like you just moved in for the first time. That’s right- I’m talking about cleaning your home and not just moving a few things. Deep cleaning the small surfaces. It honestly doesn’t matter if you feel you have five minutes to freshen up your space or an entire weekend to spare. You can give your home’s trouble spots a good refresh with these spring cleaning ideas.

Take Your Time
Right now time is finally on your side to do a good job about cleaning your home. We are in a unique situation where we don’t need to feel overwhelmed to get everything done in just a few days. We can take our time to evaluate the space and see what needs to be done first. This should encourage you to tackle some of these projects that you’ve been putting off for months or maybe even years. A few spring cleaning ideas I would suggest would be to sweep the walkway areas and the patio, clean your exterior windows, and your patio furniture. You could also clean out your closets, pantry, and cupboards and make sure to change and double-check your carbon monoxide, smoke detectors, filters, and furnace.

Make a To-Do List
One of the ways to get things done in a way where you aren’t feeling extremely overwhelmed is making a to-do list. We are home for another 30 days so spread out the things you want to get done over the month instead of just a weekend. This could mean instead of ‘kitchen clean up’ be specific about what you want to get organized. This could include cleaning under the sink, order new bins for pantry, rearrange pots and pans, or just clearing out expired food in the refrigerator. Simple 20-30 minute tasks like this will make it easier to help your bigger spaces not seem so intimidating.

Replace Patio Wood
If your back deck hasn’t been touched because of broken boards, your best bet is to hire a company to help replace those boards. Wood is extremely popular to use but it does matter which type you go with. A business in Georgia is that comes highly recommended is called Brazilian Wood Depot. They have a variety of hardwoods to choose from including one of their most popular, Massaranduba decking. This beautiful red and rich brown wood is known for its incredible hardness, longevity, and durability. IT’s also naturally resistant to insect attack, rot, fire, mold, and decay. Due to the world’s fine texture, this is the perfect choice for your deck with its strength and low maintenance.
Have Your Family Assist
While we’re all stuck inside, don’t put the burden of having to spring clean your home on just yourself. Now you have help! Take the weekend to have everyone go into their rooms, throw out items they don’t wear, use or play with anymore and then set aside piles in your basement to donate those boxes whenever your state opens again. Ask your family members what would make it easier for them to get ready in the morning? A lazy susan tray so they can try to find their lost hairsprays under their sink? A more sturdy clothes rack to locate clothes and hang them neater? Look together, shop online and enjoy the process of seeing something they’ve helped you work on. They will love the end result as much as you!

Don’t Forget Before and After
While you’re in the thick of cleaning, organizing, purging, and decluttering be sure to take a before and after picture. Snapping a few cluttered spots will make it all sweeter when you get to the sparkling and final end of your work. Even better, text the before shot to a friend or family member for added accountability to get it done. This can motivate you to keep going. You can also check your progress and the overall result of a job well done!

Again, being stuck in your home right now may seem scary and nerve-racking but it can also be a small little gift that you have been needing. Our home is here to protect us as best as it sees fit so we need to take care of. This includes not only keeping it looking it’s best but functional to you and your family’s lifestyle, schedule, and overall day to day activities. What are some ways you are going to incorporate your family members to help you with these spring cleaning ideas over the next few weeks?